Senin, 23 Juni 2014

[K134.Ebook] Download PDF Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

Download PDF Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

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Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

Download PDF Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

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Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De

When she jumped off a Ferris wheel in Central Park and survived, Claire Bennet changed the world. Now "Evos" - Evolved Humans - are exposed.

The fifth in the "Heroes Reborn" event series of six short thrillers based on the fascinating characters and rich mythology of NBC's world-wide hit TV series "Heroes", and the highly anticipated "Heroes Reborn". The new season picks up five years after the finale of the original series and finds those with special powers in a precarious and dangerous world where they are feared, persecuted and attacked.

Keith Decandido is the author of over twenty media tie-in novels, as well as short fiction, comic books, eBooks, and nonfiction in the universes of "Star Trek" (in all its incarnations, plus a few new ones), "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Doctor Who", "Farscape", "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda", "The Hulk", "Magic: The Gathering", "Resident Evil", "Serenity", "The Silver Surfer", "Spider-Man", "StarCraft", "Warcraft", "X-Men", "Xena", and "Young Hercules". His work has made it to the "USA Today", "Locus", and "Los Angeles Times" best-seller lists, and has received critical acclaim from "Artemis", "Booklist", "Entertainment Weekly", "Library Journal", "Publishers Weekly", "SFX", "Starburst", "Starlog", "Tangent", and "TV Zone".

  • Sales Rank: #520217 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-20
  • Released on: 2015-11-20
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The Cheerleader
By Guy with Beard
Book 5 in the short ebook companion series to the Heroes Reborn TV show.

Claire Bennet is one of the main characters of the original Heroes shows. While she has died at the beginning of this current run, her actions helped to set the stage for most of what is happening. This installment tells what Claire was doing between jumping off the ferris wheel, and outing all of the evos) and the bombing of Odessa.

Claire can be seen as the linchpin of the Heroes stories. She was the cheerleader of the slogan, "Save the cheerleader, save the world". She put the evos in the spotlight of the world. Her protection was the motivation for HRG throughout most of the series. This book answers a lot of question that viewers of the show will have about what happened to Claire.

This is what the series should be doing. It gives pleny of background details without giving spoilers. I highly recommend this book for anyone that is watching the show.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Heroes return!
By avidreader
One thing....Peter came back!! And Sylar, and Mohinder, and a lot of the familiar faces got one last hurrah before the show starting killing the majority of them!

Peter didn't show up for too long in this book, but it was nice to know he still had an impact in the 5 years between the two shows. Read it; you won't be disappointed.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
DeCandido SAVED my view of Heroes
By J. Rabe
I liked the first season of Heroes, but dropped out the second season. It just lost me. I must admit that I've not seen a single episode of Heroes Reborn. However, I am a fan of Keith R.A. DeCandido's writing. This was a GREAT READ. A good length to tackle over the weekend, his characterization is always strong. And it zips by.

See all 10 customer reviews...

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De PDF
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De EPub
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De Doc
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De iBooks
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De rtf
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De Mobipocket
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De Kindle

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De PDF

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De PDF

Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De PDF
Heroes Reborn - Book 5: Save The Cheerleader, Destroy The World. Event Series (Heroes Reborn: Official TV Tie-In Series), by Keith R.A. De PDF

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